Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Scooter Commutation Shows Why We Need Ron Paul in 2008

I'm under no illusions that Ron Paul would be the perfect Presidential candidate.

His currency theories in particular are highly anachronistic.

But I think anachronism is what we need this year. We need someone who is out of step with modern politics. Bush trumped even Clinton for achieving the perfect synthesis of goverance with political campaigning - if you can call what George W. Bush has done governance. Every action Bush has ever taken has been political; every action he has ever taken has been to advance or protect his political cabal. He has never, not even for a moment, merely served the nation.

As an antidote to that we need someone who is so caught up in their own image of themselves as a boy scout that this would be unthinkable for them. I really find it impossible to picture Paul torpedoing the judicial process to protect an aide. I find it impossible to picture Paul putting the political prospects of his party above the ability of the Congress or a prosecutor being able to investigate wrongdoing. I find it completely impossible to picture Paul handing out a commutation as a reward or inducement to an executive branch official.


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